Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Three Muses Entry-Angels

"And He Will Grow Into Them."

Digital collage by Jamie Miller

Thank you to everyone at Three Muses and to the wonderful artists that participate each week!!  You are an inspiration to us all!  Love, Jamie


Yvonne said...

She gorgeous sitting up in her clouds, Jamie! Beautifully done :)

Taluula said...

Oh, this little angel is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the softness of the wings. Merry Christmas to You and Yours!

peggy gatto said...

awesome angel!!!
Merry to you!!!!!!!!!!

indybev said...

Thank you for your kind words, and thank you so much for sharing your talent with us as well! Your vintage angel is wonderful. I hope you and yours have the merriest of Christmases!

Deann said...

What an absolutely fabulous vintage angel...simply stunning...BRAVO!!!

Christine said...

What a powerful set of wings you gave him. Thanks for the clues on how to identify boys in old photos.

Terri Kahrs said...

Ohhhh, Jamie!!!! She's BEAU-tiful!!! And just in time for Christmas, too!!! I'm sending lots of warm wishes your way for a beautiful Holiday! I've miss YOU too!!! Hugs, Terri ♥ xoxoxo

Sim said...

He is simply wonderful!
I love it so much! Bravo!
I wish the best for you & yours!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jamie, this is so marvelous! Lovely job.
Happy Christmas to you and yours!

In the Light of the Moon said...

Oh Jamie,this is so beautiful...I need to find more time to play with photoshop..I am so inspired now..heehee..Hugs,Cat


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