Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Sweet Friends...

Dear Friends,

I have been absent, but I have been busy.  Busy is Good:)  Busy is not sleeping all day.  I feel better and better every day.  We are heading to South Carolina for Christmas.  I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful Holiday.  Your support and Friendship has been a saving grace and such a blessing to me this past year.  I am eagerly awaiting the New Year and all the promise it has in store for us. 

With Much Love and Gratitude,

PS- Here are some Winter FITS for you:)  Make something Merry!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

FIT on Thursday....


A beautiful tintype of two Sisters. You can still see the imprint for the brass matt that surrounded it inside it's case.  (***Please see note below***)

Here is the art piece I created with the tintype.  I made glass magnets out of the finished piece.  I will take pictures tomorrow and teach you how to make them also:)

***Please feel free to use this photograph in your Artwork!! After you use it, I would really love for you to come join our new group, "Free Image Tuesday Creations"!!

Love, Jamie


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