Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Theme Thursday Entry....

"The GateKeeper"

Digital Art Piece by Jamie Miller

Theme Thursday Entry


K said...

beautiful! love this little guy!

Andrea said...

Jamie, I LOVE this!!

peggy gatto said...

you have created the dearest art piece, I just love it!

Faye said...

Very sweet, Jamie. I am fascinated by that fantastic chair!

Debby said...

This is an awesome piece.

Ozstuff said...

I love this whimsical and clever piece.
Great work.

Amy said...

I saw her on flicker and she's truelly a sweet fairy child..I adore what you have done with the brought her to life

Rika said...

Great, love this!

Hermine said...

Absolutely gorgeous

Sandy said...

OMG this is darling.
Gorgeous piece of art. Love it.

Dorthe said...

Hi Jamie,
how cute is that, I love him, with hat, and wings.

indybev said...

Oh, what a beautiful little face has Archie! He'd be amazed to know he's wearing wings and a househat! I love the whimsy of this piece. Well done!

Mollye said...

Oh you can almost feel his presence. He is magical. Thanks for sharing, Mollye

Terri Kahrs said...

Be still my heart! Actually, I think it just melted! This is sooooo wonderful!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Bettie said...

Oh he's so sweet!

Jan said...

Great interpretation Jamie x

Shelly Hickox said...

I love that this is in black and white. Fantastic piece.

LynnF said...

Fantastic work, Jamie! You should be proud of this piece! LynnF

*jean* said...

oo i love his hat! so fun! hi jamie!

House of Hullabaloo said...


Lori said...

GORGEOUS!!! i absolutely love this photo...the 'do and the striped socks are killin' me!!! what a dude:) said...

Très bonne idée la photo en noir et blanc !
j'aime beaucoup !
bon weekend ! Amicalement Mary.KG

Anonymous said...

How fun- wish I knew how to do this to my old photos!

Taluula said...

Wonderful interpretation and so beautifully crafted. Bravo.

Amy said...

Jamie, I have been getting caught up on your most recent posts and I am so proud of you and your tennis and fishing and everything. It sounds like you are really having fun!!
I always enjoy your art and I would not judge you no matter what your size... or even if you had 3 heads!!
Stop by my blog and pick up the free background photos I have offered the artists in the blog world. I think you would come up with some magnificent creations using them both!!

Diane said...

Hi Jamie! Your work is awesome! I am also one who rummages curbside for treasures, LOL! Love this image, he is so very stately (as only little boys can occasionally be!) Great piece!

Caterina Giglio said...

great hat!

Mollye said...

Oh This is wonderful Jamie, he has my heart!

Unknown said...

Why are old photos so compelling and at the same time spooky? I am a Londoner now living in France; I work as an artist/antique dealer and have a largeish collection of old photos and ephemera which I sometimes use in my creations; thankyou god for the computer and photoshop. I enjoyed your blog and work; thanks. Linda.
PS please feel free to pop by my blog in a bored moment one and one...

Zanne said...

Hey Hon!

Might his godmother get a copy of that sweet boy's picture?! My goodness, how precious he is! Your child, no doubt about it! Jamie, I'm sorry to say how long it's been since I checked this site, but once again I am awed by your talent, creativity and the wonderful community of artist friends you have admiring your lovely work. I am incredibly proud of you!!! You are an inspiration... I love you! Z~

Anne Lorys said...

He's fantastic, Jamie!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

just popping in to say hello and take in your beautiful art! Hope all is well your way! Happy Tuesday!

Tami said...

Hi, Jamie,
I love visiting your blog and seeing your art over-and-over, it never gets old!!
Hope you're having a nice summer and all is well.
Hugs to you,

Paula said...

What a little cutie! Thanks for stopping by the blog, Jamie, and for your well wishes on our new addition to our family. I am soooo obviously behind on my blogging since this wonderful change in our lives, so it's been a while since I have been able to visit you. I've missed it! But I know you understand! ;-) I'll still be coming by between diaper changes and bottle feedings and love and hugs with my own little cutie-pie! Hope you have been doing well.

Enjoy the weekend! Hugs to you!!!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hi Jamie!!!

Thanks for the SWEETEST COMMENT on my blog today. If you look closely at most of the beautiful things in my box, they come from YOU!

Thank you for a fantastic FABULOUS weekend...I enjoyed hanging out with you (you crazy girl) and I so enjoyed paying your car note this month! (I really tried!) hahahaha Seriously, your goodies for vendor night was THE BEST!

I don't remember the last time I laughed so much and had so much was all because of you. I just love you to pieces!

Thanks for being my newest follower. I've been following and stalking you like FOREVER thanks to Lori at My Faerie Window...she surely knows how to pick WONDERFUL friends! I'm so happy that I finally got to meet you in person!!!!

Please don't be a stranger...

Lisa said...

Did you have any idea that you would be the creator of the newest art catch phrase??!!! I've named Anne, my paper lurd! Really tho, I'm so happy to finally meet you in the flesh after months of blog stalking. You rock, still drooling over my purchases. Getting a box together for Dawn, she's gonna die. Lisa

Cindy said...

Ohmygosh....just heard the LURD story! LOL LOL LOL LOL...why oh why did I have to be so tired that night! I am getting a hotel room next year!!!!! LOL.

Was so good to see ya honey! Love ya,
(head cowgirl)

Tumble Fish Studio said...

I emailed you last week and haven't heard back. Hope you are okay. I've been thinking about you.


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