Did ya miss me? I missed you:) Sorry for the delay in FITS, but it's been crazy here. I will make it worth the wait, promise!
First, here are two more ledger pages from the Arkansas ledger. They are from two different accounts, but both families buried a loved one in the same month. You can see where the deceased's last outfit, the cloth to cover the coffin and the nails to close the coffin are purchased. There are many other clues to others dying around this time period so I think there was a sickness of some sort going around. I wish I knew what it was and I wonder if Doc McBride was riding all over town caring for the ill. Anyhoo, hope you find the reading interesting:) By the way, feel free to copy any of these ledger papges and use them in your art:)

Here are the FITS for last week and this week. Also, since this is my 100th post I am posting for you some awesome Victorian Christmas scrap. They would make great tags:)

I just got this tintype photo. It is a full plate tintype so it is big. It measures 9" by 7" and I love how the photographer has posed everyone. It must have been difficult with 14 people to work with and make stand still! If you look the two men in the back are TWINS and the Dad is rockin an awesome Abraham Lincoln beard! LOL!! The women are all beautiful and they have such wonderful hairstyles. A beautiful civil war era family captured in time.

This is a lovely CDV photo of the sweetest little girl EVER! I think she is holding an orange in her hands. She will be on my next collage sheet for sure. Too Cute!

This is for my sweet Grandpa. I heard this in the car on the way home from the airport.
I love you the best, Jamie
"But when the night is falling
and you cannot find the light
If you feel your dream is dying
Hold tight
You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give." ~New Radicals