Thursday, June 28, 2007
It's Time for More Bad Art......
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Free Image Tuesday...EBAY find...Journal page...

Monday, June 25, 2007
New Favorite Thing and Journal Pages.....
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Free Image Tuesday.....
Monday, June 18, 2007
To Miz SmoochieLips, With Love....Bad Art..and My Muse....
- vintage photo? Check!
- vintage eggs? Check!
- Crown? Check!
- little random triangles as border? Check!
- old text/ music paper? Check!
- wings? Check?
- bird? Check!
- mysterious phrase snippet? Check!
How could I go wrong? My husband took one look and said, "That looks like Monty Python". Ouch. I didn't make another piece of art for over 6 months.
I started small and this piece spoke to me. The haunted eyes of the children and father. The absence of the mother. Her image is the same one I used in my first collage. I like her better here.
This lovely lady is my Muse. She has no name, but I know she was meant to be mine. There is an old farm house across the highway from our neighborhood. The sweetest couple lived there and they always had huge, beautiful vegetable gardens. The man would let my son (then only 3 and brother less) ride his tractor and pull onions. He finally became to old to keep up with a 100 year old home and the land and it all was sold. He was so sad to leave his home and it broke my heart.
The house sat for sale for over two years. Then I noticed a sold sign in the yard. The new owners began renovations on the old house and used bulldozers to scrape up and turn over all the gardens. One day there was lush beautiful vegetable plants (they were growing wild now) and the next there was sod laid out in neat rows. Then they bulldozed one of the two barns. I so upset and one Sunday afternoon, when there were no workers, I went over there to look at the other barn before it was gone too. My heart was beating out of my chest and I just knew any minute a police car was going to drive up and I'd be arrested for trespassing. There was nothing left inside and the workers were using it to store the new wood siding for the house. Still I poked around and took a few rusty nails and found a glass jar with a rusty lid. I was poking around in the chicken coup and when I looked down there was a black piece of cardboard in the straw. It looked like the cover of a book laying there. I picked it up and turned it over and it was her. Left alone for all that time, laying in the chicken coup. There I stood in a hot, dusty barn with chills all over my body. It may sound strange, but I know I was meant to go there and find her before they tore the barn down. So she is my Muse. I don't think she needs a name. But her influence was enough to call me across the highway to her and now she has a home.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
From the Kitchen of...
Ok. Lori at Faerie Windows tagged me for a recipe. Which if you haven't stoppped over to see her newest creation you are missing out 'cause he is precious!
So.You all know I don't cook so I concocted a simple meal which only takes 30 minutes tops. UNLESS you are taking pictures. And having some wine. So, honestly, I don't really know how long it would take to make it. At least it's easy. And there's wine involved:) So here's the most action my poor kitchen has seen in years. You might want to cover the children's eyes.
- 1 bunch fresh asparagus ( or broccoli or any other fresh veggie of choice)
- 1 cup red wine
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 2 packages Fettuccine (I used the fresh 'cause it only takes three minutes)
- 1 container Light Alfredo sauce ( I used some you can microwave 'cause I'm a loser in the kitchen:)
- 2 pounds Fresh Sea Scallops (shrimp would do well too. Or chicken. Meat. Meat does well)
- Salt'NPeppa
Monday, June 11, 2007
Free Image Tuesday and Home...
She's Smoochie-licious!!!......
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Done Arting....
Believe that one of the two will happen to you,
Either you will find something solid to stand on or you’ll be taught to fly.
~Richard Bach
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Free Image Tuesday and Arting....
Here are your free images for this Tuesday. The first is a book about the history of France. It was published in 1884 so no etching of the Eiffel Tower. I believe it was meant to be a child's book since it claims that it is written all in words of one syllable:) It has wonderful illustrations but sadly is falling apart from the binding.